Essential Extras, Inc. does more outdoor than indoor projects because they are more interesting and more fun for us. However, most of our key people have 30-40 years—it does not seem that long ago that it was half as much—of construction experience and are no strangers to a broad range of residential and commercial projects. When possible, we try to do “inside work” when it is very cold or very hot.
Refinishing basements, building room additions and custom remodeling are all variations on a theme and involve many different aspects of construction. We not only add new space and finish unfinished space but also reconfigure, e.g. remove bearing walls, rearrange kitchens and bathrooms, or relocate doors, windows and walls. Thanks to our experience, we know how the existing house should be built and how to cope with whatever we find (so far) as we execute your project. We also know enough to get more expert help when necessary.
Our objective is to make the new or remodeled space blend into the existing space structurally, functionally and aesthetically so it “belongs.” We always start by determining how you will use the space. While this helps to define the necessary size and features, your preferences are the most important thing. The existing house itself is usually another major factor. We do the plans and design “in house” and build with the same corps of key people job after job. The real trick is doing the easy parts of the project efficiently and finding creative and cost effective solutions for the hard parts. We expect to do things once, do them right and do them the way we would do them for ourselves.
Call us today at (913) 385-7374 or (816) 923-5865 or email us to arrange a consultation.
We can make it happen.